Site Authentication using META tags

Site Authentication using META tags is a new feature introduced by Yahoo. Prior to this Yahoo asked you to upload a file to your blog. Since you can only upload image files to Blogger this feature was not of much use.....

to bloggers. Google already had a metatag feature to verify your site. See How to submit site to Google.. You will now be able to authenticate your site in Yahoo Site Explorer by including an authentication key as part of a META tag on the home page of your site.

To use this go to Yahoo Site Explorer login to Yahoo and submit your site/blog there as described in How to submit site to Other Search Engines. Then click on Green button Authenticate after site name. You will be given a one line code copy that and login to Blogger Dashboard. Go to Templates------>Edit Html and add the code immediately after the title tags. Save Template. Then go back to Yahoo Site Explorer site and click on Ready to Authenticate button. Your site should be authenticated in one or two days.