There are several steps which may improve the quality of your Skype calls. Also if you experience audio problems with someone else on Skype we suggest you let them know about the suggestions below.
First, make sure you are using the most recent version of Skype as we are continually improving quality in each version.
Make sure all your computer's drivers are up-to-date (sound, video, motherboard controllers etc - please contact the manufacturers of your hardware for updated drivers).
Also make sure your firewall/router is not blocking Skype in any way. Try opening UDP traffic both ways to both the port found in Skype's "Connection" window in Tools > Options and also ports 80 & 443 - tick the option to use the ports and open both TCP and UDP traffic to all three - keep in mind UDP traffic's availability for Skype results in better sound quality than just data traversal over TCP. If you're not sure how to make such changes ask a tech-savvier friend or your system administrator for assistance.
Another way of improving quality is to shut down any file sharing applications or internet software that consumes a lot of bandwidth. If you are downloading files at the same as using Skype call quality will be greatly diminished.
If the above doesn't help to improve your sound quality try the following:
1. Close Skype. Locate the shared.xml file found in C:\\Documents and settings\Your Windows Username\Application data\Skype\shared.xml (please ensure you have hidden folders and files turned on - to do this right-click on Start and select Explore. Then select Tools > Folder Options and click the View tab. Under Files and Folders > Hidden files and folders ensure the Show hidden files and folders is checked).
2. Delete shared.xml
3. Restart Skype - the shared.xml file will be recreated.
Another possibility to improve conditions is to disable QoS (Quality of Service) packet scheduling. Go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections. Right click on the connection you are using (for example, "Local Area Connection") and select Properties. Untick the "QoS Packet Scheduler" option.